Tuesday felt harder than expected as we still had a lot of tweaking and tidying to do and for a minute there it felt a bit two-steps-forward-one-step-back but confidence was restored by the afternoon and when we opened the doors on Wednesday morning it didn`t just look like a library....it smelt like one....in the best possible way of course....it smelt of books! And looked like this:
And as soon as you have books you have readers...........
So yesterday it was a leisurely start,a ride into town and a stroll round Maramba Market, a coffee and scone at Munali, a drink atthe incredibly posh David Livingstone Hotel ending up with "the best pizza south of the Equator" at Olga`s.
Today it`s back to the library for a couple of hours to put up signs and posters and of course some bunting to make it look cheerful and welcoming, for tomorrow - we open! Well sort of. An "opening" or should it be a private viewing before The Opening. Kelly has invited some of the teachers to come and have a look round. Sophia still has a lot of work to do, not least applying thousands of stickers to the spines of the books to identify them as belonging to the library but she seems keen as mustard to get going and has the best qualification of all - a well-developed sense of humour.
After that....well its nearly home time. Our work here, as they say, is more or less done. :)
P.S. So we were back in just over an hour....job done indeed.
Now, how to spend the rest of this warm and sunny day.........
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